Tuesday, March 9, 2010

My daughter Nataline is the perfect example on how corrupted our health care system is in the US. Nataline at 17 passed away because of Cigna denial of her liver transplant, they deny care for profit, they called it experimantal. Insurance companies are all about making money and don't care about their policy holders. We had insurance, we thought we had insurance and were fully covered, Cigna denied multiple doctors request until my family, California Nurses Association and the Media were out protesting in front of Cigna's headquarter in Glendale, CA. When Cigna saw the Media and how the public is responding to a mistake they did and continue to do, they reversed their decision and called it a one time acceptance. It was too late, Nataline my beautiful daughter passed a way couple of hours later. Why does a mother like me have to go through that? I should have been next to my daughter, holding her hand and praying with her. Why does anyone have to go through that? Join force with me and let's replace Erisa Law to Nataline's Law for no more denial. visit www.consumerwatchdog.org click on Nataline's picture and follow directions, it's simple, you will be saving your own life.

The American citizens need to know more about the new health care reform, I have many questions to ask our President. Do you?